Friday, September 12, 2008

Rice Painting

The day prior to this project we made colored rice...

1 cup uncooked rice (not instant)
2 tsp rubbing alcohol
5 drop food coloring

Add the above to a ziploc bag; squish around to distribute color. Pour onto cookie sheet, spread out to dry.

We started the rice painting project by pouring a little bit of colored rice into small bowls (I wash & save the applesauce containers to use for projects), with one bowl having a mix of all of the colors. (the 5th bowl below is Elmer's glue)

I drew Kylie's name in bubble letters with some circles...

Kylie painted the circles and letters with the glue...

Then sprinkled rice over the glue... (we gently shook the extra off after each)



Michaela said...

WOW, fun project!!!!

Giving In Blogger said...

Such a great idea.

Melanie said...

Julie - thanks for commenting on my cooking blog - I am SO glad to see the link to this blog. I am going to do both rice activities on here with my kids. Fabulous! Keep the great ideas coming!